The minute Anna was born 3 years ago! Well, Mountain Daylight time, so we had to pause in our evening twice to acknowledge the time she was born at 8:44 Central time, but then again at 9:44 which was actually 8:44 in Utah where she was born. Did you follow that? We're kind of funny that way in our family and remember the minute and make sure to wait and watch the clock turn from 8:43 to 8:44 and then officially proclaim Anna a 3-year-old. Or whomever may be the birthday boy/girl that day.
So Anna is officially 3 years old! I know I say this all the time, but where has the time gone? I can not believe that it has been 3 years since I was first pregnant, buying pink blankets and clothes, planning how to fit a port-a-crib in our little 1 bedroom apartment, still relatively-well sleeping through the night (only getting up around once a night was nothing!), anxiously anticipating the birth of our sweet little girl. And then 3 years ago today going into the doctor for my 37-week checkup and learning that stubborn little Anna decided to turn breech at the last minute, while my blood pressure and worrisome pre-eclampsia symptoms dredged near enough to scary levels to send us over to the hospital for monitoring as well as an attempted external version to turn this breech little girl. And 3 years ago this evening receiving the disappointing news that despite the very uncomfortable pressure and pushing of that external version, this little baby girl had decidedly dropped and was not budging, while I was actively progressing into early labor. With those unfortunate circumstances stacked up against us, 3 years ago this evening our sweet baby girl was born via c-section. I remember being so scared 3 years ago, nervous for the unknown, nervous about being a mother. And then when I heard her little cry at 8:44 pm in the O.R., everything was all right. I cried, but it was very good crying. I was still nervous, still anxious, still had a long recovery ahead, and still 3 years later have a whole lifetime ahead of learning how to do this parenting thing. Today I sat and went over that day in my head just to remember, and funny enough, it's the random little details that stick with me more than the fears, though. My parents and my brother Jon came to the hospital that night and brought me a fountain drink from Harts gas station (before I knew I was headed in for a c-section). The discussion the doctors had during the surgery, looking back, was pretty hilarious. Weird Al Yankovich, anyone? I had no idea that my doctor, who used to sing for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, knew anything about Weird Al! Oh, and one of the attending nurses had just returned from a month trip to Europe and had great tales of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. I think I'll remember those details forever. Funny how little things stick in the memory, huh?
But I'm so grateful to have this sweet little girl and be her mother. Anna is very independent and loves to do things on her own. She can be really obstinate and headstrong at times, but she is also really loving and kind and aware of others' feelings. She surprises me often with new little things she has learned or connections she makes in her mind. I love seeing her personality develop day to day and watching her grow.
Happy 3rd Birthday, Anna!