Friday, September 25, 2009


Anna is so thrilled that she gets to go to "school"! It's really just a once a week joyschool that I am doing with a couple other moms, but she loves it. She started last week and had her second class this week.

When I picked her up from Miss Cindy's house after the first day (don't you love calling people Miss First-name? I get to be Miss Liz when it's my week to teach), Anna told me all the fun things they did, and then said, "Let's go to school now!" Apparantly through all the excited talk of going to school, she'd gotten it into her head that she was going to go to school at the elementary school near our home. Poor girl was a little disappointed at first, and it melted my heart. I guess I should have figured when this has been her favorite book lately. That lucky little girl is old enough for kindergarten. Ever read it? I remember loving it when I was little too.

I don't know what I'm going to do when she's old enough to go to the real school. I want to keep her little as long as possible!

Here she is with her backpack on her first day of school.

So proud

10 Months Old

David is 10 months old! Well, he'll be 10 months old tomorrow, but I'm jumping the gun a bit. Wow, it's been a fast year. I haven't been very good about posting lately, so here are some pictures of the last month or two.

He's pulling up in his crib now, and pretty proud of himself.

Of course he's now a teething monster with 5 teeth.

I think he's finally outgrowing the sink.

Just so sweet after our evening walk.

Loving to stand up and take steps with his walker toy!

And just being silly.

We love our baby Davy!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

You're so pretty, Mom!

Nothing better to my self-esteem than having Anna come in the room and say this to me just now. Maybe it's because it's Sunday and I actually did my hair and make-up for church today instead of opting for the pony-tail. I love my 3-year-old. She knows how to make my day!