Or should I say it's a baby boy! I had my halfway ultrasound today at 22 and a half weeks pregnant and we got to see our little baby today. I have been very impatient for the last month waiting and waiting for this day ever since my doctor said that he routinely waits until 22 weeks for ultrasounds. What gives? Most people I know go in back at 18 weeks! Oh well, I guess it made it all worth it when we got to see our little baby today. The doctor asked Dan and me before beginning if we wanted to know the gender to which we very excitedly affirmed. He gave his little disclaimer about how they can't always tell, and then lowered the little monitor there and immediately said, "Well, this is definitely a little boy!" We are very thrilled and excited with the news--Dan has had a perma-grin on his face all day. And I'm just feeling very excited to feel a little more connected to this baby. It's time to pull out the name books more seriously and figure out who this little boy is going to be! :)
On the other fronts, he is developing well, has the cutest little hands and feet, and was covering his face with his hands throughout the scan. I loved being able to watch him move on the screen and feel the movements at the same time inside of me. So little unnamed-baby-boy is still right on schedule for a due date of November 30. And I'm feeling very positive about my chances for a VBAC this time and maybe not having to have a repeat c-section. I am happy to have a doctor who is supportive of me in trying this, and I am hoping for a non-breech baby this go-around. I've already started the bribery and pep talks with this little guy to convince him he doesn't like being head up... ;)
Anyway, there's our happy latest news!
5 years ago