Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy May Day!

It's almost over, but it's still May Day!

The fact that this is the best month of the year has absolutely nothing to do with birthday/anniversary/Mothers' Day, etc. Oh wait, maybe just a little...
But anyway...
It's been a while since I did a Maypole, but I remember having so much fun in Elementary School when our teacher made the basketball pole into one for us to dance around. And I have always loved the fun tradition of making flower baskets and leaving them on people's doorknobs. Something so cheery and fun about May Day and welcoming Spring. Enjoy your beautiful May flowers!


Jenn said...

I completely forgot that yesterday was may day! Well, happy belated May Day to you. I agree, it's a great month.

Tara said...

I miss May poles too - it was so fun trying to weave it right without bumping into everyone.

Katy said...

I have missed out on this holiday all my life! How fun that there's more to celebrate! I'll make sure to do my research on this subject so I don't miss it next year too.